Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our changes, His Christmas

I know that I have been terrible lately with my blogging! I don’t know what it is about this time of the year but, it seems like the days are shorter and your “to-do” list keeps getting longer and longer! I must apologize though for not making this a bit more of a priority, will you forgive me???

This year, our children have gotten a bit older and are starting to realize things that normally wouldn’t have fazed them a bit. Without realizing it, Christmas stumbled upon us and we were without a “family philosophy” on how we are going to go about celebrating it. Do we get a tree? Do we give presents? Do we celebrate advent instead? These and many others are questions that have plagued our minds. Finally, as we reluctantly made it to the store to buy what we felt was a modest fake tree, we looked at each other and said, “You know, I just think that this is a necessary way to celebrate the birth of Christ for our family.” So, no tree went up in our home this year and as far as I can tell it most likely never will again. Now don’t get me wrong thinking that I am condemning those that DO put up trees. It’s just, for our family, we feel this is what is best for us. That’s the beauty of the family! When you’re seeking after God’s perfect Will, He tends to do different things within each humbly submitted family.

Now, we did decide that we would get our 3 children 1 group toy, a tricycle and then BOOKS!!! Our oldest just turned 4 and is really wanting to take her own REAL Bible (as she calls it) to church, so that might be an additional item added. But as far as gifts for other members of the family, myself and the children are having fun making homemade gifts! It gives me a chance to do something I love (making crafts, and working with my hands) as well as provide MANY opportunities to talk to my children about why we are making these gifts to give to people. I can’t wait ‘till my little ones are big enough to REALLY participate in the making of items!

I will say, since we have decided to not have the typical westerners traditional Christmas, this time of year has been quite pleasant. We have enjoyed spending times of fellowship with different families from our church. Tomorrow night in fact, our children are making dinner for another family and we are going over to surprise their kiddos! I am looking forward to giving the news to my guys in the morning about the wonderful surprise. I have kids at the age where if you tell them something too early they ask 1,965 times when it’s all going to happen and then once you finally make it to that time, their enthusiasm has dwindled somewhat! So the morning of is the best timing for now! :o)

Our new tradition this Christmas of not having a tree, making all completely homemade gifts, being modest in the gifts that we give to one another as a family, has changed for us what this holiday is all about. It has turned my heart and my eyes to a loving God that sent His Son, Jesus to a broken and dying world. It was an offering of grace that I in no way deserved but, it was given to me still free of charge! I remember the feeling of holding that new born baby in my arms during each one of my children’s births. It was almost euphoric in a sense, knowing that this precious life was given by God to impact me and whomever else they come in contact with. I can barely imagine how Mary must have felt, knowing that this child was going to change not only her, but the world. She must have been a pretty outstanding woman to have been selected for such a noble duty! Nevertheless, Christ was born, raised, died and raised again so that we might have life eternal.

This Christmas, do whatever you can to take the focus completely off of ourselves and totally on Him.
After all, it is His Christmas right?

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