Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Number 20 it is!!!

This morning when I woke up, I went to the computer to check the news. I soon discovered that one of the most popular families has yet again, been blessed by the Lord. The Duggars.
I know that there are varying opinions out there of this family. I know that these days people with their opinions and their desire to express that opinion grows more and more. (Just take a look at the different protest demonstrations going on right now)

I have to say though, the comments that I read today regarding the Duggar family and the fact that they have been blessed by God once again, grieved my heart and led me to write this post.

When people make comments like, "Don't they know what causes that?" or "They need to be fixed!" or any other demeaning phrase just makes me realize the ignorance of most people and ultimately, their lack of the true knowledge and understanding of God.

The Bible is very clear in what it says about Who is the GIVER of life. In 1 Timothy 6:13 a statement is made that says, "I charge you in the presence of God, WHO GIVES LIFE TO ALL THINGS..." (emphasis added) Another verse that I love is Psalm 127:3, " Behold, children are a GIFT of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a REWARD." (emphasis added)

Bottom line, people who make these crass, disgusting comments have no understanding of the true God. The area of children is just another area in their life that they want to control. I am a perfect example of  how God is the one that controls pregnancy and it has nothing to do with me. The first three years of our marriage we had a child each year. We got the comments that, "You guys are going to end up like the Duggars if you don't stop!" "Don't you know how to stop that?" Those words were hurtful but yet at the same time almost 2 years later they show God's power. From day 1 we've never done ANYTHING to prevent pregnancy and for the last 2 years, we've not conceived. We pray and ask the Lord to give us another child, but for whatever reason, He's not given us one. Now, when people ask if we're doing something to keep it from happening, I say, "No, the Lord just hasn't given us any." They are usually shocked and often times say, "Really? You're not doing anything?" At that moment, I feel that God is glorified. His power is made known in our situation that HE GIVES life and HE either can take it OR prevent it from happening.

I'm so grateful for the Duggar family. That the Lord is using them to carry a torch for children and families for the sake of the kingdom of God. I often times will say to my husband, "Can you imagine what your life would have been like had you grown up in an atmosphere like what those children have?" He will usually reply with, "That's why we must strive to provide that for our children."

When we got married, I loved kids. I knew I wanted them, but I soon discovered there is a difference in loving them with our instinctive natures and then loving them the way God says we are to love them. When you begin to see children through God's eyes, the love for them changes immensely. You realize how special each of them are. How unique and wonderful they are. How you were perfectly chosen by God to be their parent. You are entrusted by the Creator of the Universe to nurture, protect, mold, grow, educate and so much more these precious gifts.

My children while at times have frustrated me, caused me to get angry, pushed more buttons than I can count at once. I have NEVER wished that I had prevented any one of their lives. I pray that God would see me as a good steward of the children that I have and bless me and my husband yet again with another life if He saw fit.

When I have watched videos of the Duggar family and heard them make the statement, "We are grateful for each and everyone of them!" The looks on their children's faces light up like the sun. How many children today long to hear those words from their own mother and father?
My prayers are with not only the Duggar family but ALL of the families that choose life over death. That graciously and humbly accept the duty of parenthood.

For it is a noble call...

"For I will give thanks to You, for I am, fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works and my soul knows it very well."
Psalm 139:14


Debi Foreman said...

Great post Jerica!! Thanks for sharing your heart :)

Jerica said...

Thanks!!! :0 D

Jenifer Harrod said...

Oh thank you for writing this post! I am happy with the Duggars also. I didn't know. Also I have 7 children and have went through all of this and in someways will always deal with what people think.
www.mychristian-life.blogspot.com is having a party today please some share there. Thanks!

Jerica said...

Thanks for sharing Jenfier!

The Way of the Master

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