Friday, September 30, 2011

Matthew Tompkins, My Husband (A man of Courage)

My husband would probably be a bit embarrassed knowing that he is my topic of discussion today, but I feel that it is necessary. :)

When we met, he was a full-time missionary working with college age students and spending his days evangelizing and learning about God's Word. It was obvious his love for God and how the most important thing in the world was to please Him.

He was everything that I had hoped for in a husband, he was literally an answer to prayer. But, as life would have it, shortly after we were married he fell in to a dry season in his walk with the Lord. So naturally I took it upon myself to provide "water" for him. (Not really my job!) Instead of seeking the Lord earnestly about the matter, I often times tried to handle it on my own. Attempting to provide my own solutions which I portrayed as God's solutions. At times I believe I drove him farther away.

Over the last year, I made a new attempt on a different strategy. I KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT!!! And I opened up my heart and spirit to the Lord, seeking His wisdom and praying that He would control the situation and keep me out of the way! It's truly amazing the things that the Lord will do when we just back off.

In the last 6 mos, I have seen Matthew grow leaps and bounds! I have seen his passions for knowing God and knowing His Word become stronger throughout each passing day. I've learned to be more submissive despite his shortcomings. Realizing that he's not an immortal being just because he's my husband. He's a sinner saved by God's incomprehensible grace and that my job is not to hold him to any standards but rather honor God by honoring him. Has it been easy? Some days are better than others, but I want my husband to be the image created in Proverbs 31. A man who is looked up to in city streets and a man who is highly revered. A man who is honored, loved, respected by his children. A man who humbly leads his family wherever God may take him. A man who loves God more than the things of this world.

Courage is an attribute of someone who is willing to not only take a stand, but walk a road even if that means he walks alone.

I know that there have been times where he has had to make some pretty tough decisions and sometimes I haven't made that decision process very easy on him. But I am so grateful to have a husband that presses on when he feels the Lord is directing him in a certain way even though it is hard. There is no one else that I would rather be called to submit to and follow than him. He is a man whom I feel is taking the stand to answer the noble and high calling of,

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