Monday, February 14, 2011

Who sets the tone?

Proverbs 14:1
"The wise woman builds her house,
but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."

While reading this today I began to think about how we women are what sometimes makes or breaks the mood in our homes. When we are stressed or frustrated it reflects, mainly in our children, the mood, tone etc within the home. I know personally there are have been times where I'm not feeling well or I've simply allowed my emotions to get the better of me and I'm frazzled and usually my children are on edge and acting like every little thing that happens is the end of the world and by the time my husband is home we're all ready to bite one another heads off! Now, had I had my guard up and made sure that I was aware that these emotions were coming on, I could have easily avoided the scenario, right? Absolutely! A wise women knows that she is more prone to act out of emotions because, let's face it, we women are emotional creatures. However, that doesn't mean that we can't control them! If you are a Christian then you have the power to seek God and protect yourself. A foolish women simply acts from emotions and allows herself and her household come crashing down. Never guarding her mind and her heart from the Enemy (satan).
It is important to realize that in a way, we women are the heartbeat of the home. When we're off beat, the whole thing is off beat!
I challenge you to always be on your guard in making sure that you are aware of your emotions, attitude and mood. Make the decision to be wise and no foolish and I guarantee you will see a more joyful, brighter, cheery home!

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