Thursday, September 29, 2011

You know, I had planned my week out with blogging intent on who/what I was going to write about each day. But, as God would have it, He has spurred me to share some of the things that I've been learning during some of life's current trials and testing.

My husband and I have been going through a series called, The Financial Freedom Seminar by Jim Sammons. Very impacting and informative! We are about 1/4 of the way through it and last night the part we watched was talking about alluring sales tactics.

He brought up Eve in the garden of Eden. This was a woman that literally had everything. She had more food than she could ever eat. Perfect health, and a perfect husband. Her husband had deep fellowship with the Lord where he actually spent time walking with Him in the garden. One day however, something cunning and sly slipped in and within a matter of seconds she became discontent with every ounce of that perfect life she had. An alluring advertisement by one of the greatest salesmen of all, Satan.

Now think about it, if Eve could have looked at everything around her and rationalized this thought in her mind, "You know, despite all of this perfection. I'm just not happy with the way things are!" how dare we think that we can't be tempted by Satan in such a dark and fallen world. Everywhere we look we are bombarded with tactics of alluring advertisements. Don't think for one second that those advertisers are ignorant. They know just what to display, say and do to get you to buy in to what they're selling. It is their JOB!

So many times I've heard the verse Psalm 37:4 taken out of context or just misunderstood completely. It says to "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.". Most would take that to mean that somehow this verse is saying that we are entitled to obtain whatever our hearts desires are. But, what if we apply that verse in its actual context and we say, "delight yourself in the Lord" ok, well that means that I'm seeking after Him, I'm growing my relationship with Him, I'm honoring Him in everything that I THINK, SAY and DO. I'm delighting myself in Him. Great!!! Now, when we are pursuing God in such a way, wouldn't you say that more often then not, those "desires" that we once had begin to change and then new desires arise that start to mirror that of Christ? This is exactly what has happened with me before. When I set my sights on the things of God and aim to make Him the one who is pleased with my life, rather than myself or those around me. The things that I desire most, suddenly begin to do a 180 in a different direction.

Getting back to Eve in the garden, she was someone who began to shift her focus off of the things of God and started focusing on herself and what she wanted and desired. In that moment, her desire was not to please God, but rather achieve her new desire of wanting to be God. In pursuit of those desires, she took that bite and proceeded to entice her husband to do the same. (See the power of our words and influence ladies????) He then took, ate and at that moment the entire fate of the world and humanity changed. Now, I'm not saying that your desires will have an affect on the entire human race, they could possibly, but what I'm saying is this. We are all part of a family whether you're a mom, wife, child etc. your decisions, based on your desires, have an impact in one way or another.

My point is simply this, we can avoid the alluring sales tactics of Satan by:
1. Doing what Psalm 37:4 says and Delight ourselves in the Lord. and secondly,
2. Abiding by the principles that Paul lays out in Philippians 4:10-14,
"10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak [g]from want, for I have learned to be [h]content in whatever circumstances I am. 12 I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13 I can do all things [i]through Him who strengthens me. 14 Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction. "

When we learn and understand to be content in all things, whether we have wealth or whether we barely get by, we must learn to delight ourselves in Him RIGHT WHERE WE ARE and the desire for contentment will be fulfilled.
God doesn't give the desires of OUR heart, He gives the desires of HIS heart that become ours...

As easily as Eve was deceived in the garden, don't be so naive to think that you can't be pulled by the alluring temptations of Satan. He wants nothing more than to destroy your very soul, so guard your HEART, your SOUL and your MIND.
Grow your spirit in nobility and pray that God would enable and equip your husbands/fathers with COURAGE.

It's time to stop leaving this fight up to the individuals, we must stand together and answer the call, "Where are you men of courage???"

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